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Music - I like ... The text is 100% importen, some times :)
I add more as time goes ...
* If your idea to make a better world is that good, lets see the Band = lets see it in action not just in WORDS !!!
2. Black Eyed Peas "Where Is The Love"
Just a image info about more songs ...
6. Aretha Franklin "Reach Out & Touch"
7. Aretha Franklin and Sammy Davis Jr. 1968 "Respect Think"
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
2. Black Eyed Peas "Where Is The Love"
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
mindfieldsMore song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
I was surprised to find out that the song "Let It Be" was written for Aretha Franklin
by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
I did read it long ago now, but I could not
find that link so in my new seach I did find
this -
Scroll down to:
SL: Didn't the Beatles give Let It Be to Aretha Franklin and she turned it down at first ?
* Search on the linked page for the text above "SL: Didn't ..."
( This may or may not work: mark the tekst and press the
key "Ctrl" + "c" go to the linked page and press "Ctrl" + "f"
past the tekst in the search for: you can use the "Ctrl" + "v"
to past the copyed tekst and then press
the search option ! )
I did allso find this, that says that Aretha Franklin did get the song out before The Beatles did go public with the song. Read down a littel.
Scroll down to: Aretha Franklin covered this on her album This Girl's In Love With You, which was released before The Beatles version came out.
She also covered The Beatles "Eleanor Rigby" on that album.
It takes a little time before the sounds begin ..
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups upReturn
6. Aretha Franklin "Reach Out & Touch"
More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return
You can get the hole song here - even the 2 first minits and the song is a bit .. - click here !!!
7. Aretha Franklin "Respect Think"
This is a old version and the sound qualitet is a bit ... ! - but have been there that day !WOW!
She got a nice voice - some would say Sammy have a hard time keeping up - but they Rocked that day !
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More song after the song ends, then the song menu pups up Return